
The main function is the most important function in Act, since it bootstraps your whole app.


param type description
view string, json or function the representation of your dom in json
params undefined or object an object possibly containing the following items
params.model any the initial model of your app
params.node HTMLElement an HTML element to render your app, else document.body
params.reducer function a function mapping actions to state object an object with get and set to remember your state
params.subscriptions object an object with subscription functions
params.historyClass object a history object


import main from '@act/main'


// string

// json
main(['h1', 'Hello!'])

// function
main(() => ['h1', 'Hello!'])

If string is passed, it will be wrapped in a span tag.

Your view can break down into other functions or constants:

const view = (content) =>
  ['main', [header, body(content), footer]]

const header =
  ['header', 'MyApp']

const body = (content) =>
  ['article', content]

const footer =
  ['footer', 'All rights reserved']

main(view, { model: 'Here is the content' })


The model represents your initial application data, before any transformation happens. It is optional since your app may not need any data or it may define it based on reducers [see below].

import map from 'ramda/src/map'

const view = (model) =>
  ['main', [
      ['h1', model.title],
      ['ul', map(todo, model.todos)]

const todo = (task) =>
  ['li', `[${task.status}] ${task.description}`]

const model = {
  title: 'Welcome to the todo app',
  todos: [
    { status: 'DONE', description: 'Write docs for params.model' },
    { status: 'REJECTED', description: 'Make sure it works on IE6' }

main(view, { model })


A reference to the DOM node where you want your app to be rendered.

main('Hello!', { node: document.getElementById('app') })

An object with a get and a set functions. The get function will be called in the first render, and set will be called every time your state changes, receiving the state.

There can be only one storage.

import storage from '@act/main/storages/localStorage'

const view = (count) =>
  ['button', { click: { add: 1 } }, count]

const reducer = (state = 0, {type, payload}) => {
  switch (type) {
    case 'add':
      return state + payload
      return state

main(view, { reducer, storage })

In the above example, the initial count will be fetched from the storage, else it will be 0. Every time the state changes – when the user clicks the button –, the storage will be updated.


An object where keys are the types of actions to be emitted and values are a subscription function. Check more about subscriptions in the concepts docs.

import breakpoint from '@act/main/subscriptions/breakpoint'

const view = (breakpoint) =>
  ['div', `Current breakpoint is: ${breakpoint}`]

const subscriptions = {
  breakpoint: breakpoint

main(view, { subscriptions })

In the above example, every time the current breakpoint changes, the reducer will receive an action with type breakpoint and the payload will be the current breakpoint (like small, medium...).

Since this app doesn't define a reducer, the model will always be updated with the payload, therefore it will always contain only the current breakpoint.


Read more on history docs.