
Act only cares and helps you when it comes to unit testing, and is agnostic about integration tests. For integration, you can use pretty much any framework you like.

Since Act uses [sort of] plain JSON for defining components, you can test a very simple component like this:

const simpleComponent = (name) => ['h1', `Hello ${name}`]

  ['h1', 'Hello Wittgenstein']

You can test the other parts of your app with the same simplicity. An initial model would be tested this way:

const model = { notes: [] }

deepEqual(model, { notes: [] })

And a reducer:

const reducer = (state, { type, payload }) => {
  switch (type) {
    case 'add':
      return state + payload
    case 'sub':
      return state - payload
  return state

equal(reducer(0, { type: 'add', payload: 10}), 10, 'adds correctly')

equal(reducer(0, { type: 'sub', payload: 10}), -10, 'subtracts correctly')

equal(reducer(0, { type: 'mul', payload: 10}), 0, 'does not multiply')

Finally, if you have events (both simple events and signals) you get some helpers (toVDOM, click and keyup are imported from testHelpers) to make sure they will feed your reducer correctly.

A simple event example:

const button = ['button', {click: {someAction: 10}}]

  {type: 'someAction', payload: 10}

Signal example:

const input = ['input', {keyup: {someAction: valueOnEnter}}]

// Non enter keyCode
notOk(keyup(42, 'Russell', toVDOM(input)))

  keyup(13, 'Russell', toVDOM(input)),
  {type: 'someAction', payload: 'Russell'}

Testing with main

If you want to test some module that doesn't export its parts (view, model, reducer...), like the file that renders main, you can use the main function in testHelpers. It mocks only the DOM node where your app is mounted, but behaves pretty much like the real main in other ways.

Since main returns an object with the initial virtual dom, and the history object, you should use those to inspect what happens:

// your module
const view = (count) => ['button', { click: { add: 1 } }, count]

const reducer = (state = 0, { type, payload }) =>
  type === 'add'
    ? state + payload
    : state

export default main(view, { reducer })

// your test
import { dom, history } from './path/to/myModule'
import { click } from '@act/main/testHelpers'

assert.equal(dom.tagName, 'button')
assert.equal(dom.children[0].text, '0')
assert.equal(history.current, undefined)
const newDOM = click(dom)
assert.equal(newDOM.children[0].text, '1')
assert.equal(history.current, { type: 'add', payload: 1 })

You can know more checking the unit_test folder under examples.