
A function that sits between data and UI. Useful to perform normalizations and filters. Presenters are not built in the main function, since to implement them is pretty trivial. But we encourage you to use them whenever you have to transform data in the UI, since doing too much data manipulation in the view seems like an antipattern.

import pipe from '@act/main/signals/pipe'

const view = (activeItems) =>
  ['ul', map((item) => (['li',]), activeItems)]

const presenter = filter(propEq('deleted', false))

const model = [
  { name: 'foo', deleted: true },
  { name: 'bar', deleted: false }

main(pipe(presenter, view), { model })

Presenters can also be memoized:

const presenter = memoize(filter(propEq('deleted', false))

This way the presenter will only execute on new models. This is specially convenient since presenters by their very nature may be slow.