
In React you either build your components manually – almost no one does that – or you use JSX (to be fair there's also a hyperscript library). JSX tries to emulate HTML, but it is different in many ways. Here's some JSX:

<h1 className='title'>
  { someVariable }

In Act, all views are defined in a - sort of! – JSON format. This is the syntax for a tag:

[tagName, attributes, children]

Here, tagName is any HTML tag name, like h1 or div. attributes is an object with all tag's attributes, like type or checked. Finally, children may be an array or a single item, like a string or a number.

Both attributes and children are optional, so, if you don't define any attribute, the children will go on the second index of the array.

You can also use virtual-dom's special syntax for classes and ids (more on "Class and id shortcuts" section below).

React's example above would be translated to:

['h1.title', someVariable]