

The biggest problem of JavaScript is the lack of a consistent, productive standard library. The second biggest problem is the ammount of libraries trying to solve that by creating a bad implementation of a subset of Haskell's Prelude.

Starting with the right building blocks is the most important thing. Act chose Ramda, and uses it extensively, from signals to view helpers.


Most developers use frameworks without really having a comprehensive understanding of its internals. Although good APIs can really diminish the necessity of this sort of knowledge, in real life there are always corner cases where a dip dive into the framework inner workings help. Also a readable and simple code allows expansion and collaboration.

Performatic and small

Web apps should be fast. Act's TodoMVC has only 13kb, and performs better than most other frameworks. It must keep this way.

Simple, but complete

Frameworks are either complete and complex, or simple and require you to figure out how to complete them with other libraries. Act strives to be as simple and as complete as possible.

Manageable history

In most other frameworks it requires some effort to accomplish things like redo. In Act the action history is a first class citizen.

Clear solutions to common problems

Although having options is not a problem per se, solutions should be clear for most common problems. No analysis paralysis.


Most of our time is spent testing and tests are the best documentation of our code. Testing should be straightforward and fast. Complex tests are bad docs and a time waster.